Better safety for Bangladesh's garment industry
'Made in Bangladesh': Bangladesh is the second-largest clothing exporter in the world, after China. Since the garment factory collapse of 2013, Bangladesh has been receiving unprecedented attention. Several inititatives were set up to help the country's factories improve working conditions and safety for garment workers -
Momentum for change: one of Bangladesh's major textile companies, the DBL group, joined the 'textiles partnership' and has implemented several measures. German Minister for Economic Cooperation and Development Gerd Mueller praised their efforts, saying he hoped that this would set a precedent for other companies -
Inspectors on motorcycles: some 150 inspectors have received training to monitor the working conditions and environment in the country's factories. Equipped with motorcycles, the inspectors are alert and ready in case of an emegency -
Supporting women: most of the predominantly female textile workers are not aware of their employment rights. Special 'women's cafes' have been established where they can receive training, for instance, in how to negotiate with their employers. To raise the level of awareness they make use of the game of Ludo -
In the hot seat: Gerd Mueller gets an insight into the working conditions of textile factory workers in Bangladesh. Many women frequently work up to 14 hours a day in harsh conditions. Germany's Textile Partnership initiative aims to improve the circumstances which dictate their working lives -
Political backing: Gerd Mueller, along with Bangladesh's Commerce Minister Tofail Ahmed, visited the factories of the DBL Group in Gazipur. The state is a key agent in the Textile Partnership -
Child care services: as part of the workers' welfare initiatives, factories are being encouraged to set up day-care centers to take care of the children while their mothers are busy working to meet company targets -
A show of unity: both the German and Bangladeshi governments, as well as manufacturers, buyers and all other stakeholders in the supply chain are adapting to the changes. Although the situation has improved substantially since the Rana Plaza disaster, much more work needs to be done -
An ambitious plan: by 2021, the Bangladeshi government plans to export $50 billion worth of garments. Bangladeshi Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina discussed the ambitious plan with German minister Gerd Mueller during his visit
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