Islam in Germany
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Muslims in Germany
In search of a political voice
Trust in politics has plummeted among German Muslims, as seen in recent voter turnout. While some online preachers argue voting is haram, imams in Berlin are actively campaigning for political participation.
Book “111 Places in Berlin That Teach Us About Islam”
Searching for traces of Muslim life in Berlin
The historic Şehitlik cemetery in Kreuzberg, the queer-friendly Ibn Rushd-Goethe mosque in Moabit, the Muslim community's poetry slam i-Slam: Islam is part of Berlin's history, politics and everyday life.
Palestinians in Germany
End of the Berlin Spring
The German capital has attracted many Palestinian artists and intellectuals in recent years. Yet since the war in Gaza began, a sense of disillusionment has set in within the community
The quagmire of historical responsibility
Germany's misguided fight against anti-Semitism
Assessing Israel more critically than other nations is considered anti-Semitic. Yet treating Israel more favourably is problematic too. Philo-Semitism – the unquestioning endorsement of anything Jewish – does not help in the fight against anti-Semitic prejudice
Islam in Germany
Muslims in the German military set to get their own chaplaincy
Soldiers of the Islamic faith in Germany's armed forces have long lacked the pastoral care available to their Christian and Jewish counterparts. What was once seen as politically impossible is about to change.
The discourse about Islam in German politics
From open to latent Islamophobia
Sociologist and Islamic studies expert Imad Mustafa was commissioned by the Group of Independent Experts on Islamophobia (UEM) to conduct the first academic study of the discourse around Islam in Germany's political parties. His findings have recently been published in book form
Imams from Germany
"The idea of a German Islam isn't all that strange"
Ender Çetin is one of the first imams to have been trained in Germany. Are these imams the bridge-builders Germany needs right now?
Esra Ozyurek on the German debate
"We must fight anti-Semitism and Islamophobia together"
Germany has long been a role model for the way it deals with Holocaust remembrance. But now this is being used to marginalise minorities, says Turkish ethnologist Esra Ozyurek
Middle East conflict and Germany's culture of remembrance
In solidarity with the marginalised
What needs to happen for Jews to feel safe in Germany? We have to see immigrants as allies in the fight against anti-Semitism. With more foresight in the Middle East conflict, a more precise raison d'etat and an inclusive culture of Holocaust remembrance
Muslims in Europe and conflict resolution
Meet Germany's first Islamic affairs consultant
How can local authorities best understand the various Islamic groups in their communities? Or integrate young Muslims? Christoph Strack reports how Germany's first Islamic affairs consultant is resolving conflicts between mosque communities and municipalities
Muslims in Germany
Anonymous hate mail rattles mosque congregations
In Germany, numerous mosques are facing threats, yet the security authorities are anything but clued up. Fear, mixed with an increasing sense of frustration, is growing among the country's Muslim community. By Christoph Strack
The headscarf controversy
End of Germany's culture war?
Berlin is the last federal state in Germany to approve the wearing of headscarves by teachers. The fact that the courts have had to demand this time and again does not however reflect well on German politics. By Daniel Bax