Most recent articles by Amr Hamzawy
Authoritarian rule in the Arab world
Fear of change
Given their poor records in so many areas, how is it that authoritarian regimes in the Arab world manage to cling so successfully to power? In this essay, Amr Hamzawy examines how the ruling elites in the countries of the Arab spring use a mixture of oppression and fear of chaos and disorder to nip any demands for democratic change in the bud
Arab Economic Oligarchy
Are New Business Elites Driving Democratic Change?
More and more entrepreneurs in the Arab world are taking on the role of political decision-makers. Will this have the effect of accelerating the breakdown of traditional, authoritarian power structures in the region?
In the Aftermath of the Lebanon War
The Big Loser: Democracy
Following three years of unprecedented political dynamism and debates regarding the prospects for democratic transformation in the Arab world, the Arab-Israeli conflict returned to the forefront.
Saudi Municipal Elections
Gradualism of Reform and Traditional Politics
Many commentators have criticized that municipal elections in Saudi Arabia were only a false front to appease calls for more democracy. But in his analysis, Amr Hamzawy argues that historical specificities must be considered
The Arab Reform Movement
Taking Stock after One Year
This year there has been increasing discussion of reforms in the Arab world. But what progress has the democratization process actually made?