Most recent articles by Arian Fariborz
Alaa Al Aswany′s novel ″The Automobile Club of Egypt″
Microcosm of tyranny
In his new novel "The Automobile Club of Egypt", the best-selling Egyptian author Alaa Al Aswany paints a picture of a deeply divided, bigoted society and recalls the oriental despotism of the 1940s under King Farouk. A review by Arian Fariborz
Interview with Nawal El Saadawi
"They don't want any really courageous people!"
The spirited Egyptian author and feminist Nawal El Saadawi is not afraid of castigating the hypocrisy of the political system and the continued violations of women's rights in her country. Arian Fariborz spoke to her in Cairo
Interview with the Egyptian author Mansoura Ez-Eldin
"The current situation is untenable"
For the renowned Egyptian journalist and writer Mansoura Ez-Eldin, the revolution of 2011 provided literary fodder for essays, short stories and now a new novel. Arian Fariborz spoke with her in Cairo
Interview with Mohamed El Deeb
Protest through Songs and Poetry
Mohamed El Deeb from Cairo is one of the few Egyptian artists to have written songs that were critical of the Mubarak regime, and to have issued a musical protest against the dictatorship during the demonstrations on Tahrir Square. Arian Fariborz spoke to him
The Islamic Charter
"The Charter Remains Ambiguous in Matters of Equal Rights"
Interview with Safter Cinar, spokesman for the Turkish Community Association of the State of Berlin-Brandenburg.