Shimon Peres
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Oslo I 25 years on
Israelis and Palestinians lament the deadlock
There was hope that resolution of the conflict between Israelis and Palestinians was imminent when the first Oslo Accord was signed in 1993. But the promise of a two-state solution any time soon has been all but dashed. By Tessa Fox
Israeli author Lizzie Doron on Independence Day
"Israel is facing crucial decisions"
Seventy years after the founding of the State of Israel, Lizzie Doron, author of "Who the Fuck is Kafka?", which traces the unlikely friendship of an Israeli and a Palestinian, walks through her evolving feelings over the years regarding 14 May
Resolving the Israel-Palestine conflict
Expect nothing from Trump
While the US continues to turn a blind eye to settlement expansion, the international community and the EU in particular are left with the responsibility of ensuring that everyday life in the Palestinian enclaves does not collapse. Time for a rethink, argue policy analysts Sam Bahour and Mousa Jiryis
Interview with Sarit Michaeli from B′Tselem
Creeping annexation
The NGO B′Tselem investigates human rights violations committed by the Israeli military in the Palestinian territories. In interview with Kai Schnier, Sarit Michaeli, the organisation′s spokeswoman, explains why a peaceful settlement of the conflict between Israelis and Palestinians is receding into distance and neither politicians nor generals are interested in reducing the tension
On the death of Shimon Peres
Stranger than fiction
In the blanket homage to the late Israeli politician Shimon Peres there are significant omissions. One should not speak ill of the dead. But nevertheless, the gushing praise demands further clarification. A critical appraisal by Stefan Buchen