D. Alkamano (USA), 16 January 2006

on Double Standards and Hypocrisy, by Nelly Youssef

As horrible as honor killings are, considering the Egyptian population, 1,000 women is a small number. I am not minimizing the ignorance displayed in these killings, but more cultural analysis needs to take place. Where are they happening? With what families? I am sure educational background plays a large role in whether or not a woman is viewed as "damaged" because of this loss. We need to do more rigorous research and more accurate representation of Arab culture. This sort of representation only reiterates the Western backward view of Arab people and our culture.

What are the real double standards? Who are the real hypocrites? Women in the United States should fear for their lives since every two minutes a woman is raped in the U.S. There are so many Iraqis dying in Iraq right now. What are we going to do about the horrible plight of Palestinians inside Israel and in the occupied territories? Why don't we concentrate on bigger atrocities? Will this whole question of honor killings divert our attention from the real enemies of Arab people?

I hope I am not offending anyone, but let's engage in a conversation about how/why these subjects (the one in this article) tend to take a central role vs. other more global issues of wider concern.

D. Alkamano