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New album "Ajdad" by Amir Amiri Ensemble
Echoes of a shared past
On the album "Ajdad", Montreal-based Iranian composer and santur master Amir Amiri seeks to reunite Arabic and Persian musical traditions, historically divided by repression and conflict.
Palestinians in Germany
End of the Berlin Spring
The German capital has attracted many Palestinian artists and intellectuals in recent years. Yet since the war in Gaza began, a sense of disillusionment has set in within the community
French-Moroccan band Bab L'Bluz
Morocco's electrifying abundance
Swaken is the title of the second album from French-Moroccan quartet Bab L'Bluz. The band based around singer Yousra Mansour delves even further into the facets of the music found between the Atlantic coast and the Sahara
Islam's holy month
Why more non-Muslims are taking part in Ramadan
Ramadan's observance is widespread in the Middle East, often involving non-Muslims in the region's celebrations. In Christian-majority countries, participation has been less common, but this trend is starting to shift
Gaza war challenges Germany's culture of remembrance
"Decent people must take a stand!"
Germany is seeing a lurch to the right in its political discourse and minorities in society are being increasingly stigmatised. A new historical consciousness can counteract these trends, says historian Juergen Zimmerer in interview with
German demonstrations against right-wing extremism
"Never again" is now
Ever since the AfD's plans to deport immigrants were publicised, hundreds of thousands of people across Germany have taken to the streets in protest
Migration and the white majority
Racism can make you sick
If you've experienced racial discrimination, you'll know how it feels. Racism can cause high blood pressure, excess weight and mental health problems
Middle Eastern and North African art in Europe
MENA Art Gallery – haven for Arab art
The MENA Art Gallery in downtown Berlin is the brainchild of Italian researcher Enrico De Angelis and Syrian visual artist Zena El Abdalla. One transliteration of the colloquial Arabic for 'port' is 'mena', reflecting the intention to provide a haven for works by Arab artists, as Rama Jarmakani reports
People of Colour in the UK
Why anti-racism work is under threat
Although there are more people with an ethnic minority background among UK politicians, writers who do anti-racism work are being demonised. Journalist and author Afua Hirsh discusses the phenomenon with Manasi Gopalakrishnan
Indonesia’s Islamic peace diplomacy: Crafting a role model for moderate Islam
Indonesia, the world’s largest Muslim-majority nation, is continuously increasing its Islamic diplomacy portfolio. A central element is the deployment of a moderate Islam discourse for global peace.
Racism in Arab societies
It all depends on your origins
Criticism of prevailing religious and social conventions is still taboo in Arab discourse. But that urgently needs to change, so that we no longer judge people by their origins in future, but rather based on what they have achieved, says Egyptian writer Khaled al-Khamissi in his essay
United Kingdom
Diversity – merely window-dressing?
"Diversity" is the order of the day; everyone is focused on diversity. But our popular understanding of diversity falls far short of the mark. By Daniel Bax