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Migration to Europe
"Fight the causes of flight, not the people forced to leave"
Afghan-Greek political activist Nasim Lomani is dedicated to supporting refugees. He argues that as long as the EU continues to overlook the realities on the ground, the number of people fleeing Afghanistan will only rise.
German-Turkish relations
Towards a modern policy on Turkey
Political and diplomatic relations between Germany and Turkey are marked by dissent, but the numerous flashpoints in the Middle East are now bringing the two countries closer together. The German President's deft balancing act on his trip to Turkey points the way toward a pragmatic policy on Turkey
Jewish music
Breathing new life into Ladino
Noam "Nani" Vazana's most recent album "Ke Haber" (What's New) is a beautiful dive into the rich cultural history of Sephardic Jews and the Ladino language. But there's a twist to what she does with the language: instead of just singing old songs, she creates and writes new material. By Richard Marcus
Co-operation between Ankara, Athens and Berlin
New alliances in European migration diplomacy
If official statements are to be believed, the governments of Greece, Turkey and Germany share a common goal: to gain control of refugee flows in the Aegean Sea and along the River Evros on the Greek-Turkish border. By Ronald Meinardus in Athens
Music: Universal Echoes by Kuné
An impactful message from Canada's Global Orchestra
The musicians in the Canadian music ensemble Kuné come from a diverse array of traditions and cultures. On their new album, they share their concern for our planet's future in a collection of glorious tracks. By Richard Marcus
100 years of the Turkish Republic
The legacy of the Treaty of Lausanne
One hundred years after it was signed, the Treaty of Lausanne is still the subject of political controversy and conspiracy theories. What is the accord's legacy and what role does it play today in Turkey’s domestic and foreign policy decision-making? Analysis by Yasar Aydin
Khaled Jarrar's documentary "Notes on Displacement"
Putting faces to the nameless
Many films exist about the dangerous escape routes people have been taking to reach Europe since 2015 to escape war, conflict and precarious living conditions. In this very personal documentary, Palestinian artist Khaled Jarrar accompanies an old lady from Yarmouk, Syria, who was driven out of Nazareth as a child. By Rene Wildangel
Earthquake diplomacy 2.0
New dawn for Turkish-Greek relations?
Greece is responding to the catastrophic earthquake in Turkey with great sympathy. Could it lead to an easing of tensions between the traditionally hostile neighbours? By Ronald Meinardus
Rabih Alameddine’s "The Wrong End of the Telescope"
We are all in search of a home
In “The Wrong End of the Telescope”, Rabih Alameddine draws us away from the headlines and into the personal story of one individual. Mina is complex, compelling and very real. By pulling us into her life and allowing us to see Lesbos through her eyes, the reality of the refugee camp comes alive. Richard Marcus read the book
Europe’s contempt for refugees' human rights
Draconian punishments for boat people
At the EU's outer borders, the right of migrants to a fair asylum procedure continues to be systematically disregarded. Take Greece, for example: in the worst case scenario, those shipwrecked may even face a lengthy prison sentence. Alexandra Senfft reports for from Syros
Chanters in Cyprus
Preserving the 'rich heritage' of Byzantine music
Chanting resonates through a church in the Cypriot resort town of Ayia Napa, darkened but for a few low lights and mobile devices displaying the singers' Byzantine melodies
Europe's gas supply
Reshuffling the EastMed cards
In a bid to become less dependent on Russia, Europe is seeking new sources of natural gas in the Eastern Mediterranean. War in the Ukraine has, however, led to new tensions over the EastMed pipeline project. By Ronald Meinardus