Kurdish-Turkish Conflict
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Öcalan and the PKK
From terrorist to peacemaker
On Saturday, the PKK declared a ceasefire in response to jailed leader Abdullah Öcalan's call to disarm. The collapse of the last Turkey-PKK ceasefire in 2015 triggered an eruption of violence. Will Öcalan succeed in ending the 47-year-old conflict this time?
Turkey and post-Assad Syria
Bound together by fate, history and migration
Turkey’s close ties to the new Syrian regime have reignited fierce debates at home. In Syria, Turkey sees a reflection of its own deep divisions—Islamist vs. secular, Alawite vs. Sunni, Turkish vs. Kurdish.
Kurdistan + 100
Stories from a future republic
"Kurdistan + 100" is the third anthology in Comma Press's "future past" series, and a fourth – Egypt + 100 – is set to be published next year. Writers are asked to imagine a moment in the future connected to an event in their shared past
Turkey at 100
A country struggling to find its place
Tensions with the West and ambitions to become a regional peacekeeping power have brought Turkey's grand strategy into focus. Will distancing itself from Western values and ideas of democracy end in the country disengaging from Europe?
Turkey at 100
What will become of Ataturk's legacy?
A century ago, Mustafa Kemal Ataturk founded the Turkish Republic based on secular values. Today, many fear his vision is under threat by conservative President Recep Tayyip Erdogan
The deserted villages of the soul
Yavuz Ekinci's new novel
Armenian genocide denial is a great and enduring lie by the Turkish state, characterised by ongoing violence and racism. Yavuz Ekinci takes up the subject in an unsparing and powerful novel: "Das ferne Dorf meiner Kindheit" – 'the distant village of my childhood'. Gerrit Wustmann read the book
Ataturk's republic turns 100
Turkey's enduring identity crisis
To mark the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Republic of Turkey, German journalist and Qantara.de contributor Cigdem Akyol has written a new history of what she calls "the divided republic". Marian Brehmer read the book
Selahattin Demirtas' "Cold Front"
Political prose from prison
Selahattin Demirtas, former co-chair of the Turkish opposition party HDP, has been in prison since 2016. He has published five books during this time. The short story collection "Cold Front" is the second to be published in German. Gerrit Wustmann reviews the book for Qantara.de
Turkey election fallout
Erdogan no winner, despite opposition defeat
The Turkish opposition was defeated in the run-off, with candidate Kemal Kilicdaroglu failing to unseat long-time ruler Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who will rule the country for another five years. But the president is hardly the winner. Ayse Karabat reports from Istanbul
Turkey election fallout
Voting for the devil you know
Three crises – including the economy and earthquakes – likely counted towards Recep Tayyip Erdogan's election win. That and the fact that all the means of the Turkish state were at his disposal during campaigning. By Erkan Arikan
Turkey election run-off
Too much politics of fear from Kilicdaroglu?
Turkey's presidential run-off between Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Kemal Kilicdaroglu takes place on 28 May. Why were so many surprised by the initial outcome? And why the opposition's sudden political shift to the right? Political scientist Berk Esen talks to Ceyda Nurtsch
Yazidis in Sinjar, Iraq
The deep scars left by IS terror
For centuries, the Yazidis lived in the northern Iraqi region of Sinjar. In 2014, the region was overrun by the so-called "Islamic State", which committed genocide against the Yazidi population. This brutal chapter in Yazidi history has left deep and lasting scars. To this day, the community in Sinjar is still picking up the pieces. By Birgit Svensson