Qantara Startseite Englisch - Dialogue with the Islamic world
Democracy and Secularism in Syria’s revolution
United, not homogenous
In Syria, secularism is a fiercely contested topic. Assad supporters are using the term to discredit the revolution, while their opponents seek to redefine it. Yet this debate must not overshadow the revolution's central demand: democratic participation.
Claudia Mende's new book
A century of Arab feminism
For over a century, Arab women from Tunisia to Saudi Arabia have fought for their rights, against violence, and for autonomy over their lives and bodies. In her new book, Claudia Mende amplifies their voices.
Comic book author Joe Sacco
"Gaza was where the West went to die"
Trailblazing cartoonist and journalist Joe Sacco reflects on Western coverage of the war on Gaza, oral histories, and comics as a medium for critical journalism.
Songs for a Lebanon that never existed
Lebanese singer Fairuz, now a 90-year-old icon, began her career 70 years ago with mould-breaking musical theatre. Setting artistic milestones alongside the Rahbani brothers, she soundtracked the history of Lebanon through an era marked by suffering and war.
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More about CultureFrom the Syria archive: Assad's regime of terror
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Repräsentationsdefizit in den Nahoststudien
Alte Strukturen, neue Realitäten
Demokratie und Säkularismus in Syriens Revolution
Vereint, aber unterschiedlich
90 Jahre Fairuz
Lieder über einen perfekten Libanon, den es nie gab
Buch „Wir sind anders, als ihr denkt“ von Claudia Mende
Hundert Jahre arabischer Feminismus
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Comic-Autor Joe Sacco
„Der Westen starb in Gaza“