Reduce waste of all kinds this Ramadan

Unfortunately, the data suggests the amount of food waste is even slightly higher during the holy month. One can only guess that the root cause of this practice ranges from an inclination toward over-indulgence and lavishness at worst, and to a lack of attention and ignorance.
The Islamic faith is grounded in the principle that human beings have a personal responsibility and amana or trust to be a vicegerent, to respect and care for every living thing on our planet. Allah warns in the Koran, “But waste not by excess, for Allah loves not the wasters” (Koran 7:31).
The Prophet Muhammad was an excellent role model in attending to these details. According to one hadith, he said, “There is reward in doing good to every little thing.” (Bukhari, Muslim). In other words, even kindness to animals and other living beings like insects and plants is rewarded.
We know that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. What we do matters and it has an impact in our world. This Ramadan, focus on the big and small details of your actions. Reducing waste is an important step forward here.