Global publishing bias
Who defines "world literature"?
German publishers of "world literature" still prioritise Western works. With limited translations, lack of media attention and stereotypes in publishing, authors outside Europe and the US rarely get the attention they deserve.
Support for Palestine in Germany
A nation gripped by moral panic
The Bundestag has passed a new resolution against antisemitism, which critics warn could endanger freedom of expression. Sociologist Donatella della Porta examines recent debates on antisemitism in Germany, arguing that a moral panic has resulted in the construction of an administrative apparatus that suppresses progressive voices.
The rise of Israel's religious nationalist sect
Political Islam, political Judaism
The 7 October Hamas attacks fanned the flames of a movement already virulent in Israel. Ever since, religious nationalists have been consolidating their influence. In Germany, where politicians prefer to focus solely on the dangers of Islamism, it is easier to ignore such developments
War in Gaza
When children are seen as the enemy
A racist view of Palestinian children contributes to an acceptance of the fact that they are dying in their thousands in Gaza
Death sentence for Rapper Toomaj
Tehran's legitimacy crisis
The rapper Toomaj Salehi has been sentenced to death in Iran. His case shows how the regime is fighting to maintain its power, and against whom
Middle East debate in Germany
The bell of Gaza
With its fossilised premise of "raison d'etat" Germany is damaging itself. It is time for change – for constructive partnership in a concerted effort to overcome the Israeli-Palestinian catastrophe
Middle East: Is there a solution to the endless conflict?
Welcome to Abraham/Ibrahim
Who invented it? The Swiss. Why it might be worth looking to the Swiss Confederation in the search for a solution to the Middle East conflict
Prospects for peace in the Middle East
The search for the Middle East formula
Without rights for the Palestinians, there can be neither security for Israelis nor stability in the Middle East. There are four possible future scenarios
War propaganda in Israel and the Arab world
Spewing poison in both directions
In addition to the actual warfare in Gaza, another, lesser known burden is weighing on the prospects for a better future in the Middle East. Influential media channels are lending support to the most radical forces on both sides of the conflict
German academia and the war in Gaza
Universities must remain places of dialogue
Discussions about the Middle East conflict naturally tend towards polarisation. In Germany, showing empathy for victims of political violence in Israel while drawing attention to the suffering of Gazan and West Bank Palestinians, who bear the brunt of any major confrontation, is a tricky balancing act