Qantara Startseite Englisch - Dialogue with the Islamic world
+972 editor-in-chief Ghousoon Bisharat
"Israeli media outlets have been recruited into the war effort"
Since the Hamas attacks on 7 October, the Israeli-Palestinian platform +972 Magazine has published a range of impactful investigations. Its Palestinian editor-in-chief Ghousoon Bisharat discusses the challenges independent journalism faces in Israel and Palestine.
General elections in Jordan
Posters as far as the eye can see
Jordanians are electing a new parliament, or at least they should be. Forecasts predict that two out of three eligible voters will stay at home, despite the king's encouragement and countless posters urging them to take part. Many remain sceptical about the new party system.
Deportations to Afghanistan and Syria
The rule of law and its careless enemies
Those who turn to Assad or the Taliban instead of the German constitutional state when it comes to questions of security, fail to understand what makes those regimes tick.
Short stories by Moussa Abadi
Multi-religious life in the Jewish Quarter of Damascus
Syrian author Moussa Abadi depicts peaceful coexistence in the Jewish Quarter of 1920s Damascus in ‘The Queen and the Calligrapher’. The characters may be quirky and the stories bizarre, but they show us that the Damascus of yesterday could be a model for our own time.
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+972-Chefredakteurin Ghousoon Bisharat
„Die meisten israelischen Medien sind Teil des Krieges gegen die Palästinenser”
Drohender Haftbefehl gegen Israels Regierungschef
Deutschlands Dilemma mit der Staatsräson
Sex-Tourismus in Ägypten
Braut für einen Sommer
"Let’s Talk About Sex, Habibi" von Mohamed Amjahid
Liebe zwischen Kairo und Casablanca
Al-Ghazalis Verhältnis zur Wissenschaft
Der missverstandene Philosoph
Wahl in Jordanien
Plakate soweit das Auge reicht