Message of love: Qantara series on the 750th anniversary of Rumi's death

Seeking the essence of life
Seven-and-a-half centuries after the death of Muslim mystic poet Rumi, his verse has lost nothing of its profundity and transformative power. By Marian Brehmer

A message of love, tolerance and peace
How is Rumi’s legacy preserved in the Mevlevi order today? An interview with Sufi Master Hayat Nur Artiran from Istanbul. By Marian Brehmer

On Rumi's trail in Afghanistan
During Ramadan 2019, Marian Brehmer travelled to Rumi's birthplace, Balkh in northern Afghanistan, in search of the roots of the great Sufi master. His visit there left a lasting impression on him

Islam's enormous variety
Based in Switzerland, retired electrical engineer Peter Huseyin Cunz has been a Mevlevi sheikh for 24 years. Marian Brehmer spoke to him about Rumi's teachings in a European context

Iranians seek refuge in Rumi
For centuries, Rumi’s verses have been part of Persia’s spiritual heritage. In these uncertain times, Iranians are increasingly turning to the Sufi poet

In the footsteps of Rumi
Rumi's poems, though generally stripped of their Islamic symbolism, are hugely popular around the world. Yet Islamic mysticism is still very much at the heart of these verses. Marian Brehmer has spent more than ten years exploring the form Sufism assumes today. By Lisa Neal

Complete edition of the "Masnavi" in German
For the first time ever, a complete edition of Rumi's "Masnavi" has been published in German in verse. At the Sufi Festival in Hamburg in late November, Marian Brehmer met translator Otto Hoeschle and spoke to him about the significance of this masterpiece of Islamic mysticism